Forge Solution Team - WCM WebComponents List & Configuration

Dashboard - Update Context

Demo Dashboard:


Goal: change the context of all the stories that have a definite context and tag.

Form Fields:

Context Slug
insert here the slug of the current context that you want to change
Tournament Tag Slug
insert here the slug of the tournament tag that you want to search by
New Context Slug
insert here the slug of the new context that you want to set at the stories

UI Components - Translation Request

Demo Components UI:

UI Components - Accessible Link List

Distribution Output

            "fields": {
              "teaserLinks": [
                  "displayText": "display",
                  "accessibleText": "accessible",
                  "url": "url",
                  "openInNewTab": false
                  "displayText": "pippo",
                  "accessibleText": "pluto",
                  "url": "paperino",
                  "openInNewTab": true

Story Part - Table

Demo Components UI:

WCM Preview:

Col ACol BCol C
Content AContent BContent C

Distribution Output

              type: "external",
              externalType: "story-part-table",
              content: {
                data: [
                      "dataRow": [
                          "header": "Col A",
                          "value": "Row 1 Value A"
                          "header": "Col B",
                          "value": "Row 1 Value B"
                      "dataRow": [
                          "header": "Col A",
                          "value": "Row 2 Value A"
                          "header": "Col B",
                          "value": "Row 2 Value B"
              contextualFields: { }

Story Part - Quote

Demo Components UI:

WCM Preview:

quote text quote text quote text quote text quote text quote text quote text
Quote Author

Distribuition Output

                type: "external",
                externalType: "story-part-quote",
                content: {
                  quote: "text quote",
                  author: "Author Quote"
                contextualFields: { }

Story Part - Big Number

Demo Components UI:

WCM Preview:


text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description text description

Distribuition Output

                type: "external",
                externalType: "story-part-big-number",
                content: {
                  number: "Big Number",
                  description: "Text description"
                contextualFields: { }

Story Part - Question and Answer

Demo Components UI:

WCM Preview:

What's your name?

Distribuition Output

                type: "external",
                externalType: "story-part-question-answer",
                content: {
                  question: "What's your name?",
                  answer: "Pippo"
                contextualFields: { }